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Sunday, December 6, 2009


The number 1.6180339887.. has being declared to be the most famous or one of the most famous numbers or integers on earth.The golden ratio has fascinated Western intellectuals of diverse interests for at least 2,400 years:
Some of the greatest mathematical minds of all ages, from Pythagoras and Euclid in ancient Greece, through the medieval Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa and the Renaissance astronomer Johannes Kepler, to present-day scientific figures such as Oxford physicist Roger Penrose, have spent endless hours over this simple ratio and its properties. But the fascination with the Golden Ratio is not confined just to mathematicians. Biologists, artists, musicians, historians, architects, psychologists, and even mystics have pondered and debated the basis of its ubiquity and appeal. In fact, it is probably fair to say that the Golden Ratio has inspired thinkers of all disciplines like no other number in the history of mathematics.It is a universal law,that nothing becomes famous without a reason-Paris Hilton=sex tape,Monica Lewinski=Bill Clinton,Joe the get the picture-the number 1.6180339887.. otherwise called phi or the divine number is famous for various reasons.Im trying to kick knowledge here so give me some minutes ...The famous PHI was fully introduced by another famous character Leornado Davinci(a man who was far ahead of his time)and his friend Luca Pacioli.It was said that he decapitated corpse of humans,animals and even aliens all gotten legitmately ofcourse in the course of his remarkable studies..anyway back to the issue at hand,he discovered a remarkable similarity or design consistent in every thing made by God or as some will say by Mother nature.He found out,that every living thing was made according to or with the number phi,the golden ratio is the building block used to design every living thing in a symmetric way or to those of you familiar with technical drawing,it was used as the .Also,The first and most influential material published was De Divina Proportione by Luca Pacioli, a three-volume work published in 1509. Pacioli, a Franciscan friar, was known mostly as a mathematician, but he was also trained and keenly interested in art. De Divina Proportione explored the mathematics of the golden ratio. Though it is often said that Pacioli advocated the golden ratio's application to yield pleasing, harmonious proportions,Pacioli also saw Catholic religious significance in the ratio, which led to his work's title. Containing illustrations of regular solids by Leonardo Da Vinci, Pacioli's longtime friend and collaborator, De Divina Proportione was a major influence on generations of artists and architects alike.Some of you will now be muttering too much rambling as usual and know proof or exlpanation..Well,its time for Proofs so follow me as I experimrent.
First of all,get naked,get urself an acurrate measuring tape and last but not the least a calculator.
Do not forget to reccord.
Now take a mesurment of your heigth(from your feet to the top of your large head),then measure the distance from your waist to your feet or if you like,from your waist to your-you know now "large head"-phase one is complete.
Take your values divide your total length with the length from your waist downwards..Total length/half length..what you get is this"1.6180" The Divine number.Suprised?dont yet be,now measure your finger,the full length reccord as usual,measure the distance from the tip of your finger to your knuckle,divide as usual and you get pi.take the distance from the sole of your feet to where your leg connects with your waist,also the distance from ur feet to your knee and divide you get you know now"The divine number".For the still doubting thomases,you can start with ur arm-full length and elbow distance-,your toe-full length and knuckle distance-,your doubting migthy head-full length and tip of your head to nose and divide.Still not convinced?Get a fish and experiment..The wicked ones among you, will say what of Amoeba and co?if u can get one experiment and let us know-Iron sharpens Iron-This goes to show who the greatest Mathematician and Designer is..Evolution definitely cant do this.A Master Crafter did it.

A little introduction to my blog:my domain which i have coined "the theatre of dreams" is were i try to educate myself and brethens who are searching for the path to enligthment,it is a place or would become a place where knowledge will be till my next article..kee it beautiful..

This is Tjdelder reporting live from his domain..THE WORLD AS I SEE IT...

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